About Us
Welcome to Tanmar Consulting Inc, a property assessment firm serving Alberta Municipalities and their ratepayers since 1997.
We currently serve 18 municipal clients including 11 Towns, 4 Villages, 1 Summer Village, 1 City, and 1 County. Our team of professionals are experts in all aspects of property assessment in Alberta.
We understand the importance of municipal budgets and the role a fair and equitable assessment has on the bottom line of a municipality and to the end user, the ratepayer.
​Tanmar uses CAMAlot assessment software, the most extensively used assessment software in the Province. We have been closely integrated with the CAMAlot developers, having shared office space for many years, and having played an important role in its development. Many of the features in CAMAlot, used by assessors across Alberta, were first conceived by Tanmar and then built into the software.
Our pledge to our clients is to continue to provide an extremely high level of service that municipalities can have confidence in.
Please browse our website and let us know if you have any questions.

Mike Krim, President
AMAA, Assessor
Lakeland College 1990, Appraisal and Assessment
UBC 2002, Certificate Program in Real Property Assessment
Accredited member in good standing with the Alberta Assessors Association
Active volunteer with the Alberta Assessors Association
30+ years of assessment experience
780-417-5191 (221)

Jackie Van Langen
AMAA, Assessor
Lakeland College 1995, Appraisal and Assessment
UBC 1995, Certificate Program in Real Property Assessment
Accredited member in good standing with the Alberta Assessors Association
25+ years of assessment experience
780-417-5191 (228)

Paul Leroux
Candidate member in good standing with the Alberta Assessors Association
10+ years of assessment experience
780-417-5191 (227)

Tanner Krim
MacEwan University 2019, Bachelor of Commerce
Candidate Member in good standing with the Alberta Assessors Association
6 Years of assessment experience
780-417-5191 (229)

Donnie Paul
AMAA, Consultant
Lakeland College 1988, Appraisal and Assessment
Accredited member in good standing with the Alberta Assessors Association
Designated Industrial Specialist
Consultant on many Tanmar projects
30+ years of assessment experience

Tanmar Consulting Inc.
#201, 37 Athabascan Ave
Sherwood Park, Alberta
T8A 4H3
Phone: 780-417-5191
Toll-Free: 1-855-417-5191
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